It’s Been a Long Time Coming…

…but today we started sending out confirmations by e-mail. The confirmations will be sent from today until Sunday. By Sunday at the latest, all those who have registered will have received an e-mail with either a confirmation or notification of the waiting list. Thank you to everyone for their patience.

Note from the organizers (please read to the end)

We are more than happy about the great demand and were very pleased about it. At the same time, we feel very sad that we can no longer expand our capacities.

Therefore, with 400 places available, we will not be able to offer a starting place to all 600+ registrants. However, in order to give as many different people as possible the opportunity to take part in Switzerland’s greatest agility show, we have limited the quota of dogs per participant.

All those who have not received a confirmation by Sunday: Experience shows that many cancel their participation or do not pay on time, so there is a very good chance of moving up.

#HAM2024 #AnniversaryEdition #HelveticAgilityMasters #WeLoveAgility #SwissCaninCenter